Presidential Grants Foundation to run seminars for NGOs
During the window of applications being accepted for the second Presidential Grants competition of the year, experts are organising seminars in regions whose previous applications have received low scores. Included in the list of 15 regions are Perm and Primorsky districts, Ulyanovsk and Tver oblasts and the Republics of Chechnya and Crimea.
Practical seminars on “Social project: From initial conception to a Presidential Grant” will help explain the crucial stages in project design, and explore in detail the issues which attract most criticism from competition experts. Training will also be useful for those NGOs who have already developed a social project, but where questions remain in completing the application, or when finishing touches to the project are required.
Additional project workshops will also be held in a number of regions for applicants who were unsuccessful both this year and last. These longer courses will supplement the seminars in regions where performance has not improved over the last three competitions. Organisations whose social projects are in the initial stage of development are invited, as well as those whose applications haven’t passed the competitive selection process.
A full list of regions where the seminars will be held can be found in the “Events” section of the Presidential Grants Foundation website.
Training will also be provided to previous Presidential Grant winners, with sessions concentrating on grant reporting issues.