Russia: new training course on developing volunteering

Rospatriotcentre, the Association of Volunteer Centres and the Butterfly-Children charity have devised a training course on tools for developing volunteering




Tutorials are available on the website of the online “Dobro” University of Social Sciences.


In five online classes on a “Digital tools for the development of civic initiatives and volunteering” course, invited experts will talk about what new opportunities digital tools provide in the development of volunteer projects and CSOs, the role that technology plays in resolving social problems and future prospects for IT volunteering.


One of the reasons behind the course is the increasing transition to digital technologies and online services in many areas of public life.


CSOs can face difficulties when creating their own, or implementing ready-made IT solutions. The Butterfly-Children charity has become a pioneer in the digitisation of the CSO sector in Russia and having taken the “practical route”, has developed simple and easy-to-use IT products, which will be discussed by the charity’s CEO, Alena Kuratova, during the course.


The course experts say that the use of IT tools today is a prerequisite for the successful development of volunteering and the CSO sector and in devising more effective solutions to social problems.





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