Russian orphans to receive unemployment benefit as well as bursaries

Child orphans to receive unemployment benefit as well as bursaries




The Russian Federation Council yesterday approved a law on material support for socially unprotected citizens. This means that orphans who have been left without parental care will now be able to receive unemployment benefit as well as bursaries. The law only applies to those who, for the first time, are looking for work or officially recognised as unemployed, reports the media information agency Russia Today.


While receiving professional training from employment agencies, these groups of citizens will be entitled under the law to joint benefit payments and bursaries within six months of their registered unemployment date. The amount of each payment will be based on the average monthly wage rates that apply in their respective Russian Federation territories. Previously, orphans were only entitled to bursaries while receiving professional training.


The law stipulates that employers who make staff redundant must pay for the vocational training necessary to help them find another job, writes the agency Moscow.


The legislation applies to child orphans and children left without parental care between 14–18 years of age who, through employment agencies, have taken on temporary work away from their studies or taken up work experience opportunities in businesses and factories.




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