Second presidential grants contest: results

Results of the second presidential grant contest for NGOs revealed


Nine grant operators received 3318 applications from NGOs and selected 352 winning projects.

The Civil Dignity movement, the Russian Pensioners’ Union, the National Charitable Foundation, the Union of Russian Women, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Youth Union and the National Health League have revealed the results of the second of four presidential grant contests to be carried out in 2016. The charity Pokrov and Perspective Foundation have already announced their results.

In the second contest, Civil Dignity gave 7.5 million roubles to the nationwide NGO Families of Russia for a project to deliver legal aid to members of large families and raise their level of legal knowledge.

The operator gave 6.7 million roubles to the interregional MIR Congress for Human Rights and Freedoms for a project to provide citizens with round-the-clock legal assistance. A further 6.8 million roubles was granted to the regional NGO Participation in Destiny for its project to provide legal assistance to orphans and children left without parental care. In all, Civil Dignity supported 46 projects.

The Russian Pensioners’ Union, which supported 40 projects, gave 6.3 million roubles to the Sverdlovsk region branch of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans for its Generational Relay project, which aims to ‘strengthen the links between generations, encourage veterans to work with young people, share experiences, and revive the concept of mentoring’. A further 5.9 million roubles went to Unity of Civilisations, a foundation to promote tolerance, for an educational ethnocultural project to ‘revive the folk dancing culture of the Russian peoples’.

The National Charitable Foundation gave more than 15 million roubles to the Foundation for the Study of Historical Perspectives for a project ‘to create a new generation of young international relations experts through courses on recent European history and contemporary global politics’. The operator also gave 7 million roubles to the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church to hold the XXV International Christmas lecture ‘1917–2017: a century of lessons’. A further 7.5 million roubles went to the nationwide Exploratory Movement of Russia, which seeks to preserve the memory of those killed protecting the Fatherland. In this contest the operator supported 54 projects.

The Union of Russian Women gave 20 million roubles to the Russian Union of Theatre Actors (National Theatrical Society) to hold the National Theatre Awards and the Golden Mask festival. Almost 12 million roubles went to the International Foundation for Slavic Literature and Culture for its cultural education centre EastFAQ. The Union also gave 4.5 million roubles to the Confederation of Cinematographers’ Associations, the Union of Russian Writers and the Interregional Independent Professional Union of Theatre and Cinema Actors. In total, the Union of Russian Women supported 30 projects.

The National Health League gave more than 8 million roubles to the autonomous higher education organisation International Economics and Management Institute for the development of a distance learning portal for people with hearing disabilities. A further 5.8 million roubles went to the Trust charitable foundation for a research project on military surgeons. The Peaceful Heart charity received 5.6 million roubles for the creation of a recreational and educational programme focused on the fight against cardiovascular disease. In the second contest the National Health League supported 35 projects.

The non-profit Centre for the Advancement of Science received 14.7 million roubles from the Russian Union of Rectors for a project to ‘build patriotic sentiment by promoting Russian history’. A further 12 million was given to the Izborsky Club expert centre for a scientific and educational programme ‘The Russian State: A New Phase’. 7.6 million roubles went to the Public Education Centre for ‘a multipurpose programme to carry out outreach work and disseminate genuine scientific and historical knowledge in Russian society’, while 7.2 million went to the Sretensk Theological Seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church for the creation of multimedia installations on the subject of ‘life in Russia in the second half of the 20th Century’. In all, the Russian Union of Rectors selected 37 winners.

The Russian Youth Union supported 20 projects. The Anton Chekhov Theatre received 19.3 million roubles to develop the play ‘Toy Escape’ and to show it to residents of children’s homes, children from dysfunctional and broken homes, disadvantaged families, children with disabilities, students in education and psychology faculties, and young teachers and psychologists working with children. A further 15 million roubles was granted to the youth development movement KVH Moscow. The independent Research Institute for Economic Strategies received 8.4 million roubles to carry out a national contest for innovative youth projects.

Four presidential grant contests will take place in 2016 after the president ordered the allocation of more than 4.5 billion roubles from the federal budget for NGOs carrying out projects which are socially significant or protect human rights and civil liberties. All grant operators are required to develop a procedure for evaluating the social impact of the projects selected to receive presidential grants. The results of the third contest will be announced in October. The fourth contest began at the end of August.

Author: Georgii Ivanushkin


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