BEARR Newsletter June 2024

Children living with autism, evacuated from a war zone, introduce themselves with instruments provided for music therapy through BEARR support June 2024 Dear friends and colleagues,  In this edition of our newsletter, we bring you the latest news and stories from the BEARR community. We continue to raise funds for our Ukraine Appeal and share good news …

Project Report: Two mountain passes, seven hours in the car; a shared mission but separated by distance

SGS 2023 Grantee: “Gulrukhsor”, Khujand, with “Ghamkhori”, Bokhtar, Tajikistan Project: To amplify the voices of women suffering from domestic violence and build NGO capacity Here is their report: In Tajikistan there are two grassroots organisations that are the leaders in providing services to women victims of domestic violence. One is Women’s Center “Gulrukhsor” (blossoming face), based …


The BEARR Trust is kindly inviting representatives of civil society organizations from Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus to participate in an Annual Survey. This survey intends to analyse the challenges and needs of Civil Society Organisations in the region. It includes 26 questions and should take no more than 20 minutes to fill …

Project Report: Fortifying the mental health and emotional resilience of Georgia’s young people

SGS 2023 Grantee: Partnership for Education and Communication (PEC), Georgia Project: Improving Youth Mental Health through Emotional resilience Here is their report: According to Geostat (National Statistics Office, 2020), 66.3% of children aged 1-4 have experienced psychological abuse, and 30.6% physical abuse in their families in Georgia. Despite recognising the importance of fully supporting the mental …

BEARR Newsletter April 2024

Art therapy session in north-eastern Ukraine funded by BEARR April 2024 Dear friends and colleagues,  As spring arrives, we’re delighted to share the latest updates and achievements from the BEARR community.  Last month, we relaunched our Ukraine Appeal with a captivating online event with Olesya Khromeychuk. In this edition, we’re sharing the update on the funds raised and their vital impact …

New BEARR Special Adviser Armorer Wason

Armorer Wason has kindly agreed to join BEARR as a Special Adviser. Armorer spent the latter years of the 20th century researching and producing documentaries in the former communist countries for British television, and running journalism initiatives in Mongolia and Central Asia for BBC World Service Trust. With an increasing interest in ensuring a voice …

Rethinking resilience: men and conflict trauma in Ukraine

BEARR representatives attended an event at King’s College London, 20 February 2024, on work funded by FCDO through the XCEPT programme (Cross-Border Evidence, Policy and Trends). Here they share some of the main points. Moderated by Lt Gen Dr Martin Bricknell, ex-Surgeon-General of the UK Armed Forces and current Professor in Conflict, Health and Military …

New BEARR Trustee Clare Brooks

BEARR is delighted to welcome a new Trustee, Clare Brooks. Clare has worked with grant-making trusts and foundations for over thirty years, in the UK, Central and Eastern Europe and Australia. Her introduction to civil society organisations (CSO’s) began in 1991 when she lived in Prague, and joined one of Czechoslovakia’s first foundations, the Civic …