BEARR Newsletter June 2024

Children living with autism, evacuated from a war zone, introduce themselves with instruments provided for music therapy through BEARR support June 2024 Dear friends and colleagues,  In this edition of our newsletter, we bring you the latest news and stories from the BEARR community. We continue to raise funds for our Ukraine Appeal and share good news …

BEARR Newsletter April 2024

Art therapy session in north-eastern Ukraine funded by BEARR April 2024 Dear friends and colleagues,  As spring arrives, we’re delighted to share the latest updates and achievements from the BEARR community.  Last month, we relaunched our Ukraine Appeal with a captivating online event with Olesya Khromeychuk. In this edition, we’re sharing the update on the funds raised and their vital impact …

BEARR Newsletter February 2024

A pottery workshop in north-eastern Ukraine funded by BEARR February 2024 Dear friends and colleagues,  As the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine approaches, we are relaunching our Ukraine Appeal and, to kickstart our efforts, we are hosting an online lecture titled ‘Loss, Defiance, and the Fight for Justice’ by Olesya Khromeychuk on 4 March. Join us in making a …

BEARR Newsletter October 2023

Bonfire at the workshop in the Carpathians 21 October 2023 Dear friends and colleagues,  In this autumn edition of our newsletter, we share with you a report from BEARR Trustee Megan Bick on our project “From Group Therapy to Community Cohesion”. We are also delighted to announce the theme of next year’s Small Grants Scheme, as …

BEARR Newsletter August 2023

BEARR’s partner in Kharkiv delivering chicks to villagers in order to provide them with a long-lasting and self-sufficient source of food 15 August 2023 Dear friends and colleagues,  We hope this finds you safe and well. In this summer edition of our newsletter, we bring you the latest updates from our Emergency Appeal for Ukraine and Moldova, as well as …

Freelance part-time job opportunity for Russian-Ukrainian-English translator and website assistant

The BEARR Trust is looking for a UK-based bilingual Russian/Ukrainian translator with excellent English, to work on a part-time and freelance basis on the tasks described below. The deadline for applications has now passed. Applicants will be contacted soon. The BEARR Trust is a small British charity supporting vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe, the South …

BEARR Newsletter April 2023

Dear friends and colleagues,  In this edition of BEARR’s newsletter, we bring you an update on our Emergency Appeal for Ukraine and Moldova, including news of a successful bid to the British Embassy Kyiv’s Small Projects Fund in Ukraine. And in case you missed our 30th Anniversary Lecture last month, you can now find a recording …

Small Grants Scheme 2023: Preliminary Results

In contrast to previous years, for 2023 BEARR did not set a specific theme for its Small Grants Scheme. Instead, in line with our long-term mission to foster cooperation at the grassroots level of civil society, we asked for joint projects between two or more CSOs to support vulnerable people in any area of health and social welfare. …

Project report: Legal Analysis and Research Public Union, Azerbaijan

Grantee: Legal Analysis and Research Public Union, Azerbaijan Project: Pro-bono legal support to migrant workers We collaborated closely with the CSO “Eurasian Migration Initiatives Platform”. Their experts and members were actively involved in the promotion of migrants’ labour rights among the local offices of the organisation through the pamphlets they published. The Chairman of the CSO, …