Germany seeks partners for social projects

Germany intends to help Russia to find partners for social projects, stated Anne Hofinga, the  Russlandhilfe e.V representative in Russia at Ekaterinburg during the 2nd Russian Congress of people with disabilities. Ms Hofinga announced the opening in October/November of a new portal of the Russian-German social forum: to aid this purpose. From this portal, people will have an opportunity to create mini-sites for their organisations, and discuss pressing issues such as helping the elderly, the disabled and their families, inclusion, unemployment, poverty and homelessness, and the rehabilitation of offenders.

The congress took place in Ekaterinburg on 24-28 September, and included over 350 participants with health disabilities from Russia and other countries.

The press centre of the 2nd Russian Congress of people with disabilities: Tel: 8-950-648-59-19

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