Results of second presidential grants contest

Results of the 2nd presidential grant contest for NGOs


Moscow 23 October 2015

The operators of the presidential grant have selected 389 projects that will receive state support. The largest sums were given to projects with patriotic orientation.

The results of the second contest for the allocation of presidential grants were published on the Public Chamber’s website. The operators handled 4670 applications and chose 389 projects. The first contest for the allocation of presidential grants in 2015 was completed in July and 636 NGO projects received support.

This time, the all-Russian public movement “Civil Dignity” that distributes funds among human rights organisations supported several organisations in particular which have been designated as “foreign agents”: the human rights centre “Memorial” (6 million roubles for the project “Migration and Law”), the movement “For human rights” (5 million roubles) and “Soldiers’ mothers of St Petersburg” (2.7 million roubles). At the first stage of the contest “foreign agents” were left without state support.

“Soldiers’ mothers of St Petersburg” earlier refused foreign funding and announced their desire to leave the “foreign agents” register by October 2015, hoping to receive a presidential grant. Today the human rights activists are awaiting the Ministry of Justice’s decision as the Ministry has the authority to exclude the NGO from the “agents” register.

Furthermore, this time, the Committee “For human rights”, SOVA Centre for Information and Analysis, the Confederation of Labour of Russia, the Moscow Helsinki Group, the “Mother’s Right Foundation” and the Union of the Committees of Soldiers’ Mothers of Russia received state support.

The human rights centre “Memorial” received the largest sum from “Civil Dignity” along with the autonomous charitable non-commercial organisation “New Century”. They received 6 million roubles for the project “mHelp – mobile technology to help migrants”, which is aimed at helping migrant workers access legal and legislative information and information about available health and social services.

The national charitable fund allocated 9.7 million roubles to the project “Civil nation: one country, one destiny” (the development of a partnership between the authorities and civil society institutions to improve the prevention of extremism and strengthen inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony) from the all-Russian public organisation “Lawyers protecting the rights and decent life of the people”.

Large grants from the Russian Union of Youth were received by the creative association “IGRA3000” (16 million roubles for the children’s dance festival “Svetlana”) and “Night wolves” (12 million roubles for the Russian youth Patriotic centre “Patriot”). The League of Nations Health has allocated 14 million to the Communist Party of Russia’s “Sports club” (for “promoting and encouraging Russian citizens to take part in physical exercise and sport”) and the non-commercial partnership “Union of business support structures” (for a project in support of the Communist Party of Russia’s “Sports club” programme for “the upbringing of a sporty and healthy generation of Russians”, which is called “From virtual space to the world of live sport”).

The society “Znaniye” has allocated 12 million roubles to the autonomous non-commercial organisation “Stanovlenie Education centre” for the multimedia project “The great turning point. A history of the collectivisation and industrialisation of Russia”. Operators have allocated a further 12 million to a fund for the support of journalism for a “series of open creative master classes for older schoolchildren, aimed at encouraging teenagers’ interest in studying the history of their country.”

The institute of socio-economic and political research allocated 11.5 million to the non-commercial partnership “Employers’ Council DR”, the chairman of which is business ombudsman Boris Titov. With these funds, the organisation will create the project “Diagnosis and prescriptions for Russian business”. The largest grant from the Women’s Union of Russia (6.5 million) went to the non-commercial partnership “Sports club ‘Vagonmash’” for a project intended to popularise “traditional family values among the student body”. The Union of Russian Pensioners allocated 13 million roubles to the all-Russian public veterans’ organisation “Combat Brotherhood” for the creation and support of the activities of youth patriotic clubs.

In 2015, 4,228,200 roubles were allocated as grants for NGOs carrying out socially important projects and projects in the field of the protection of the rights and freedom of man and citizens. This year three contests were planned. The first was before 1 July, the second before 20 October and the third will be before 7 December.

Author: Grigory Ivanushkin

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