Russia: Proposal to involve CSOs in preventing violations of migration legislation

Proposal to involve CSOs in preventing violations of migration legislation




Article published on the ASI website


According to Izvestia, Yaroslav Nilov, head of the State Duma’s Labour, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs Committee, has drafted a bill that would enable CSOs to work on preventing violations of migration laws.


Under the bill, the authorities and local self-government bodies may provide support to SONGOs that are engaged in socio-cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens.


“Given our current problems with migration into Russia, we feel it is appropriate to broaden the scope of this work to include prevention of violations of migration laws and combating illegal migration”, quotes Izvestia from the bill’s text.


Nilov referred to the major role played by the non-profit sector in the State’s social policies. CSOs “help in achieving national goals and in resolving difficult challenges” which is one of the reasons why legislation is being proposed that would involve them in migration issues, he said.



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