UNESCO study of early childhood care in Moldova

Published by UNICEF


UNICEF commissions a new study of parental knowledge, attitudes and practices in early childhood care and development

Parents and caregivers are increasingly positive about inclusive education for children with disabilities. This is one of the findings of a study on “Parental Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Early Childhood Care and Development” (ECCD), commissioned by UNICEF and conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research and Marketing “CBS-AXA”. In 2018, only a quarter of respondents believed that special needs children should attend kindergarten with others – this year that figure will almost double to more than 40%.


Parents and carers in Moldova are increasingly aware of the need to play, talk and read with their children. The value of the DT assessment indicator, which reflects developmental potential and assesses children aged three and four, rose by 4% to an impressive 94%.


The research also showed that nearly six out of ten children aged 1.5 to six years attend early education programmes. Satisfaction with the quality of care in kindergartens was also given high marks by nine out of ten respondents.


However, the survey also revealed a number of major shortcomings. Nearly eight out of ten primary caregivers are women, with just over half of fathers who are regularly involved in childcare. Although there have been signs of improvements in positive parenting practices such as play and socialising, an understanding of early child development is often limited, with the focus on meeting basic needs.

Almost one in three children under the age of six occasionally witness family arguments, with  the evidence showing a limited level of awareness among parents and carers of signs of health risks to children. And perceptions of the positive benefits of vaccinations has fallen to just 48% compared to 2018.


One of the study’s recommendations is to expand and adopt a new cross-sectoral strategy for the development of parenting skills and competencies, as well as the preparation of a detailed action plan.


The study was endorsed today, 10 October 2023, by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova during an event dedicated to strengthening early childhood developmental practices.


Source: https://www.unicef.org/moldova/ru

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