The BEARR Trust Small Grants Scheme 2020: Provisional Outcome
Strengthening the Position of Women in Rural Communities in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
The BEARR Small Grants Scheme 2020 invited applications from civil society organisations (CSOs) including non-government organisations (NGOs), voluntary associations and other non-profit organisations for grants for projects aimed at strengthening the position of women in rural communities. Projects had to address issues in one of the following areas:
- Public participation
- Information and skills for economic security
- Preventing domestic violence
Bids were invited from CSOs working in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The Trust received 77 applications received, from all 8 eligible countries: Armenia 11, Azerbaijan 4, Georgia 17, Kazakhstan 4, Kyrgyzstan 3, Tajikistan 27, Turkmenistan 2, Uzbekistan 9. 11 were rejected because they did not meet the technical criteria.
Grants were offered as follows (subject to change following the closure of our fund-raising campaign on 10th July):
ISHR Armenian Section, for a project on gender equality as a key to the role of women and poverty reduction, focusing on family entrepreneurship in a single village, and to create a community-based NGO
Bonuvoni Pyanj, Tajikistan, for a project focusing on raising awareness of domestic violence within 10 communities in Pyanj province, working with 4 NGOs
Nurjolber, Kyrgyzstan, for a project focusing on raising awareness of domestic violence in Naryn province through support for entrepreneurship and small business development
Sarchashma, Tajikistan, for a project training women’s councils in southern jamoats and raising awareness through teachers, working with boys as well as women and girls
MIR – Offices for Development, Tajikistan, for a project to establish cooperation between journalists and women in rural area to enable greater awareness of domestic violence and improved access to media resources
Women for Development, Georgia, for a project to create initiative and support groups in selected rural communities in Abkhazia
Women and Modern World Social Charitable Center, Azerbaijan, for a project focusing on training for doctors, police, youth activists and NGO leaders to promote awareness of domestic violence and the relevant laws in Shirvan rural districts
Public Assessors of Tajikistan, for a project focusing on training and awareness of domestic violence for paralegals, and supporting an initiative group for paralegals and beneficiaries
Partnership for Education and Communication, Georgia, for training and networking to promote engagement/participation in decision-making for women in rural areas, with NGO and municipal leaders
NGO Center, Armenia, for a participatory governance project in 6 rural communities, identified as a pilot scheme, and supporting the development of Community Development Plans
One or two more grants may be approved following further discussion. We will update our list after our fundraising campaign closes on 10th July.
We send our congratulations and best wishes to all the grantees and look forward to hearing about their experiences on completion of their projects. In addition to formal assessments, grantees will be asked to contribute a short report for publication in the BEARR Newsletter, so that everyone can learn from their experience.
The Small Grants Scheme 2020 is funded by donations from Just Trust, individual BEARR supporters and a grant from a private foundation. We are most grateful to all these generous donors.