The BEARR Trust CSO Survey 2021
Following on from last year’s survey, which received an overwhelming 328 responses and informed many of BEARR’s activities (such as webinars and the Small Grants Scheme 2021), The BEARR trust is launching a new survey to analyse the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on civil society organisations (CSOs) in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus.
CSOs from the following countries are invited to participate in the survey: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
The survey contains 21 questions and should take roughly 10-20 minutes to fill in. All questions are in English and Russian, which we hope will allow many of the CSOs in our region to take part.
Although we invite you to give your contact details to BEARR if you wish (where they will be protected by data protection regulations), you can reply to the questions anonymously if you prefer.
Many questions have an option for providing comments and you are welcome to reply in as much detail as you wish. Detailed replies will not be made public.
In the same way as we did last year, we will use results of the survey to inform ourselves and our donors about the areas where help is most needed. We will use it to design our Small Grants Scheme for 2022 and to decide on the sorts of webinars and workshops it might be helpful to organise over the coming year. General analysis of results will be published on our website, but these will be aggregated and anonymised, and it will not be possible to identify individual respondents.
Follow this link to participate in the survey
Many thanks in advance for your participation!
Best wishes,
The BEARR Trust