The BEARR Trust and David Nott Foundation present “Surgery on the front line in Ukraine: David Nott in conversation with Bridget Kendall”

We were honoured that on Monday 27 June BEARR was joined by trauma surgeon and author of War Doctor: Surgery on the Front LineDavid Nott, to discuss his work providing emergency surgical care and training local doctors in Ukraine. David was in conversation with award-winning journalist and BEARR Patron, Bridget Kendall, sharing his stories of working in crisis and catastrophe zones for over 25 years.

The event took place online at 18:30 BST on Monday 27 June via Zoom. 

We asked guests for suggested donations of £10 per person, £5 for students and jobseekers, or more if they are able. If you missed the event, and would like to donate, please make your donation to our CAF Donate Page here. The recording will soon be available on this website, with a report of the event.

All proceeds from the event are being shared equally between BEARR’s Emergency Ukraine Appeal and the David Nott Foundation.

David and his team have just returned from their most recent trip Ukraine, and we are honoured to have had him share his experience and expertise with BEARR’s supporters.

With warm wishes,
The BEARR Trust

About the Speakers

David Nott is a consultant surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital, where he specialises in vascular and trauma surgery. For the past twenty five years David has taken unpaid leave each year to work in crisis and catastrophe zones for a number of aid agencies, including Médecins Sans Frontières, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Syria Relief.

David has provided surgical treatment to patients in countries including Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria and in 2022, Ukraine. In 2015 he established the David Nott Foundation with his wife Elly, turning his extensive war surgery knowledge into a 5-day surgical training course. The Foundation’s dedicated Faculty of trainers deliver this extensive course to healthcare professionals in warzones and austere environments around the world, and in the UK. In 2019, Picador published David’s best selling memoir, War Doctor.

Bridget Kendall worked for the BBC for over 30 years, specialising in Soviet and Russian affairs after graduating from Oxford and Harvard universities. From 1989 to 1995, Bridget was the BBC’s Moscow correspondent, covering the final years of the USSR and the first years of post-Soviet Russia.

As the BBC’s Diplomatic correspondent from 1998 to 2016, Bridget covered conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia, Tajikistan and Ukraine, among others, and in 2001 and 2006 she conducted two interviews with Vladimir Putin, both broadcast live to the world from inside the Kremlin. In 2016, Bridget was elected Master of Peterhouse Cambridge. She is also a patron of the BEARR Trust.

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