Freelance part-time job opportunity for Russian-Ukrainian-English translator and website assistant
The BEARR Trust is looking for a UK-based bilingual Russian/Ukrainian translator with excellent English, to work on a part-time and freelance basis on the tasks described below.
The deadline for applications has now passed. Applicants will be contacted soon.
The BEARR Trust is a small British charity supporting vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia, and has a bilingual English and Russian website (in many of the countries it deals with Russian is still often used as a second language).
Tasks (essential)
- To translate into Russian all new material generated by BEARR and its bi-monthly newsletter, and post on the Russian-language side of its website.
- To maintain a mailing list of recipients of the Russian-language version of the newsletter and send it out via Mailchimp.
- To translate some website material into Ukrainian for potential Ukrainian-language pages on the website.
Tasks (optional)
- Subject to appropriate skills levels, to interpret into/from Ukrainian or Russian for on-line or in-person webinars and conferences.
- Minimum language skills equivalent to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for languages) Level C2 in Russian and Ukrainian; excellent knowledge of English language.
- Interest in and some knowledge of the entire region.
- Interest in health and welfare issues.
- Ability to use WordPress and Mailchimp.
- Attention to detail.
- Self-organiser.
Pay and conditions
- Self-employed, freelance, approximately 12-15 hours per month, choosing own hours of work and responsible for own taxes.
- Pay: £15 per hour.
To apply
Please send your CV (resumé) with a one page covering letter stating how your qualifications and experience fit the job description, no later than 17 June, by email to with “Website Assistant” in the subject line.
Please respond no later than 17 June!