2021 Ranking of charitable organisations published

2021 Ranking of charitable organisations published

More than 12,000 charitable organisations are included on the ranking platform.


The creator and operator of the ranking foundation Social Navigator has published the findings of its  analysis and evaluation of Russian social organisations for 2021.  More than 990 organisations were scored. A notable finding is that levels of transparency and accountability fell in 2021.

The top 10 foundations which help children included: The Charitable Fund of Elena and Gennadii Timchenko, AK BARS Creation, Give Life, The Arithmetic of Goodness, Life Line, Children’s Villages – SOS, Way of Life, The Club of Good People, A Contribution to the Future and Rusfond.

The top 10 foundations which help children and adults with mental health conditions include:

The Centre for Curative Education, Perspectives, Turamlin, Stars, Everyone is Special, Open World, A Step Forward, A Good Deed, Open Environment, and Orange.


The full ranking and methodology are available here.


A ranking is a necessary tool for:

Charitable Foundations themselves so they can compare their work with that of their colleagues and assess the potential for new projects;

Donor organisations and corporate donors so they can see which charitable structures are most suitable for them to support;

State organisations to try to  identify potential partners to provide social services;

Private donors and individuals who want to support an organisation.

The ranking has been compiled with support from the Absolute-Help Foundation and the  Art, Science and Sport Foundation.

Source:  https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/11/14/opublikovan-renking-blagotvoritelnyh-organizaczij-za-2021-god/

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