24% of Russians give money to charitable organsiations
Only a quarter of Russians donate, whereas ten years ago a third of the population would give money to charity.
According to the VTsIOM research, in 2007 36% of respondents would donate, but in 2019 this figure is only 24%.
In this regard, more people have started to work as volunteers in hospitals, nursing homes or in social services – 9%. 10% of those surveyed had organised or attended a charitable event.
Over the last five years, 69% of Russians had at least once participated in some form of charity. In 2019, 30% had donated things to children’s or nursing homes, 26% had transferred money to specific people for medical treatment, and 20% had donated to charitable organisations and foundations.
One in five people is regularly engaged in charitable activities, and over ten years the situation has not changed significantly: in 2019 the figure was 19% compared with 20% in 2009. These are most commonly people aged between 35 and 44 (they make up 24% of the group). Young people aged between 25-34 people (65%) and 45-59 (63%) make occasional donations.
Over the last five years, 17% have participated in charitable activity only once. 68% of Russians responded that they are willing to participate in charitable activity.
The VTsIOM-Sputnik nationwide survey took place on 2 September 2019 across 1,600 respondents via telephone interviews.
Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2019/09/04/vtsiom-opros-blagotvoritelnost/