28 June – Global Social Enterprise Day in Russia
Moscow, 13.05.2015
Round tables, seminars, master classes and exhibitions about social enterprise, the first city social enterprise festival under the caption “I help my city”, and a festival of films on social themes, will happen from 16-28 June all over Russia. Among the main organisers are the Foundation of Regional Social Programmes “Our Future” and the Trade and Industry Chamber of the Russian Federation.
The Global Day of Social Enterprise was founded by Nobel Prize winner and Economics Professor Muhammad Yunus. It was first held in 2010, and Russia joined the event in 2013.
The Director of Our Future, Natalia Zvereva, commented that in 2015 the geographical scope of the event will be broader, and hopes that this year it will extend to 25 regions of Russia with not less than 80 different activities and involving at least 15,000 people. She expects the number of partners to grow as well. As a foundation, she said that Our Future sees more and more people joining in social enterprise, and increasing numbers of organisers of activities, including state structures and businesses as well as NGOs.
The first city social enterprise festival “I help my city” will take place in Moscow on 28 June. In Omsk, from 21 to 27 June there will be A School of Social Enterprise, organised by the Centre for Social Sphere Innovation, and in Novosibirsk on 26 June there will be a forum on social enterprise under the rubric “With our own hands”, organised by the Interregional Social Foundation “Siberian Centre for Support for Public Initiative”. Events will also be held in Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Archangelsk, Belgorod, Vologda and other cities.
Details of the programmes being organised can be found on the website of the Global Day of Social Enterprise.