640,000 breaches of children’s rights in Russia in 2017

More than 640,000 breaches in children’s rights recorded in Russia during 2017




Prosecutors are continuing to keep a close eye on the implementation of disabled children’s rights, said Alexander Kurrenoy, an official representative of the Russian Federation’s Prosecutor General’s Office. Results of an audit revealed that not all children have been able to exercise their right to education because of a lack of specialist facilities in schools. According to Kurrenoy, equipment purchased for disabled children is not being used for the purpose intended. The rights of children studying at home have also been violated.


“Results of inspections carried out in children homes and institutions where child orphans and children left without parental care live have shown that heads of child orphan organisations often breach basic requirements for sanitary and epidemiological standards. Products have been delivered without any documentation confirming their safety, as well as those whose shelf-life had already expired. Instances were also found of violations of the rights of orphans to hot food and the provision of special meals”, says the report.


Almost every region raises money illegally from parents for what is needed in schools such as paying for building repair work, security measures, cleaning and purchasing a school bus, while the children themselves are not being fully provided with text and reference books.


In all, around 640,000 human rights infringements were recorded in 2017 with more than 142,000 officials from different management levels subjected to disciplinary action. Measures taken by prosecutors have led to 26,500 officials being held responsible for administrative offences and to the launch of 2,567 criminal investigations.


According to the Prosecutor General’s Press Office, prosecutors identified more than 255,000 human rights breaches during the first four months of this year. Demands for these infringements to be overruled have resulted in the receipt of 55,800 submissions, 24,300 objections, as well as 28,000 law suits and petitions laid before the courts.


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2018/06/01/prokurory-prava-detej/

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