75% of Russian city residents have given to charity at least once in 2022

Research reveals that 75% of city residents have given to charity at least once during 2022




The Help is Needed charity and the online agency Tiburon Research carried out a survey that involved 1,200 major city residents.


According to the study, 75% of respondents had given to charity at least once during 2022, although 67.4% hadn’t followed up on how their donations were being used.


The most frequent form of charity is giving on the streets, to old women on buses and trains, disabled people, pregnant women, food for animals and donating money for providing medical treatment for children. Over 60% of respondents had given to charity during 2021.


51.3% donated clothes or food, 45.2% put money in boxes in public places, 35.8% donated money via SMS text while 13.6% of those asked work for CSOs as volunteers.


Who are being helped


More often than not, 40% of respondents donated money to be used in providing medical care for children, 28% to help homeless animals, 20.6% for programmes to help the poor, 18.6% to orphanages and nursing homes and 15.9% for orphans. However, less than 9% of those surveyed helped LGBT people, prisoners and those who have been released from jail, people with addictions and those with HIV.


More people are helping refugees: 2% in 2021, 6% this year, as well as an increase in those who support the media: 1.6% last year and 4.3% in 2022.


Why people help


56% believed that donations are made out of compassion, 26.2% said that giving to charity was the natural thing to do, while 14.3% considered it a duty for Russian citizens.


56% had little faith in CSOs, last year the figure was 39.1%.


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/09/06/gotovy-delat-pozhertvovaniya-v-nko-37-rossiyan/

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