Around 200 towns are participating in a campaign against child abuse

The website has a new section showing a map of Russia indicating towns participating in a 'Towns Free of Child Abuse' competition in the form of leaves on a tree.


The competition has been organised by the Support for Chidren in Difficulties Fund jointly with the Association of Small and Medium Russian Towns. This is a national awareness-raising campaign targeted at child abuse. The main job of the competition is to combine the efforts of local authorities and communities in preventing abuse and violence towards children in families by propagating the concept of responsible parenthood and developing psychological services for families.


Applications to take part in the competition have been accepted from 182 towns in 58 regions of the Russian Federation ranging from Bilibino (Chukotsky Autonomous Region) to Petrozavodsk (Karelian Republic), and from Debrent (Republic of Dagestan) to Murmansk. The colour of the 'leaves' on the interactive map depends on how effective awareness-raising about the non-acceptability of child abuse is in each town. The greater the number of people that ally themselves to the, 'Russia Without Cruelty to Children' project, the deeper the green of the leaves on the interactive map. The town where the greatest number of people join in and which attracts the greatest number of votes on the above website will receive a work of art made of belts with 'stars' collected during the activities undertaken in connection with the campaign 'The Belt is No Way to Bring Children up'. Tel: 00 7 (495) 606-35-24


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