Contest for project on social and work adaptation of disabled people

Applications invited for the Good to be in Touch projects competition




The aim of the Good to be in Touch contest is to support social entrepreneurs and NGOs engaged in the social and employment adaptation of disabled people. Applications are being accepted from 1 November this year until 31 January 2018. The results will be announced at the VI Moscow Business Forum meeting on Partnership, leadership and future prospects, due to take place in the capital next February. Application forms are available on the social stairs website (


First prize will be awarded to ten winners, each receiving three sets of IP equipment; five second prize winners will each get two sets and 10 third prize winners, one set. Project winners will receive a free federal number with the access code 8 (804) and special conditions of service throughout the year.


The competition is being held as part of the Map of Social Opportunities and Lift of Boundless Opportunities initiatives organised by the Centre of Youth and Entrepreneurial Initiatives Generation 2025, the Centre for Help to Disabled People with Musculoskeletal Disorders, and the autonomous NGO, We need one another, which helps orphaned children living in difficult domestic situations The competition is being supported by the NGO MTT.


It is expected that the contest will see an increase in the number of social enterprises and entrepreneurs who are involved in organising training for new professions, providing career advice, working in the socialisation and employment of disabled people as well as engaged in health risk assessments.


For more information, please call 8-804-333-58-40 (calls are free) or e-mail:



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