Crimean NGOs to register under Russian law

Crimean NGOs may be re-registered to comply with Russian legislation

02.04.2014, Crimea

For the time being, Third Sector bodies in the Crimea are continuing to operate according to old legal organisational standards. However, in the near future, the Russian Federation’s Justice Ministry will outline the procedure for including information on these organisations on a single register of Russian Federation legal entities, together with deadlines for submitting official NGO documents in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

As reported in Kommersant, workers from the central office of the Justice Ministry are now based in the Crimea. They are obliged to work with their Ukrainian colleagues and re-register those NGOs wishing to continue their work under Russian jurisdiction. The President of the Ukrainian organisation “Centre for Public Education, Almienda”, Olga Skripnik, told Kommersant that far from all organisations intending to continue to work in the region – some out of political motives will move to Ukraine, others will self-destruct.

The refusal of a number of Crimean NGOs to work on Russian territory is complicating the process of establishing local, regional public chambers, according to the Assistant Secretary of the Russian Federation’s Public Chamber, Vladislav Grib. A solution to this problem is being sought with the help of a new grouping of Russian NGOs in the Crimea. Some organisations have already formed new affiliations: The Association of Russian Lawyers, the All-Russian Public Organisations “Russian Officers”, “Russian Business” and “Russia’s Support”. According to Grib, the process for establishing public chambers and civic observer commissions will be announced in May.

Author: Georgi Ivanushkin

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