CSOs contributed 1.5% to the Russian economy in 2021

CSOs contributed 1.5% to the Russian economy in 2021




Ways in which the impact of CSOs on Russia’s Gross National Product (GDP) can be measured were discussed at the Ministry of Economic Development’s annual conference on the theme “Inter-sectoral cooperation in the social sector”.


This year’s Moscow conference is taking place online and opened with a discussion on “The contribution of non-profit organisations, volunteering and charity on the Russian Federation’s economy”.


This year, the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (RAFT) was asked by the Ministry of Economic Development to make an assessment of the contribution made by Russian CSOs, charity and volunteering to the country’s economy. Antonia Levashenko, Head of the Centre of Skills and Analysis of OECD Standards at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), talked about the methodology used by RAFT and outlined the results of their research. They found that the CSOs’ contribution to the country’s GDP in 2021, from non-governmental bodies to law firms (37 groups in total), was 1.46%. The contribution of SONGOs was 0.59%, 0.6% came from charity and 0.44% from volunteering.


Other countries also measure the contribution made by the CSO sector to GDP using statistical and official data. National approaches differ: For example, Australia only considers the impact of CSOs while Canada includes both State institutions and CSOs in their assessments. In Australia, the CSO contribution to the economy was 8.5%, 8.3% in Canada and 5.9% in the USA.


In making their assessments, RAFT used data from CSO financial statements as well as information from Rosstat. The experts said that in calculating contributions, CSO non-market goods also had to be taken into account, including the amount of contributions and donations received by them. Government grants were not considered as part of RAFT’s evaluations.


According to Levashenko, the contribution of CSOs to GDP is gradually increasing. In 2018, it was 0.66% and 1.15% in 2020.


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/12/07/vklad-nko-v-ekonomiku-rossii-za-2021-god-sostavil-poryadka-15/

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