Draft law to improve legal assistance to Russians appealing to ECHR

Draft law intended to simplify the appeal to the ECHR for convicted persons has been submitted to the State Duma

The amendments will allow convicted persons who intend to apply to the Strasbourg Court to meet with lawyers, court representatives, notaries and other individuals providing legal assistance.


Deputies of the State Duma, led by chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Vasiliy Piskarev, are proposing amendments to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.

The amendments are proposing the possibilities for legal meetings between lawyers and convicted persons lasting up to four hours, without the participation of any third parties and without the use of any technology to record or listen in. The number of these meetings would not be limited.

Lawyers will be able to bring in computers, photographic equipment and other necessary technical equipment to the prison territory, but only in order to make copies of the case materials.

The project should bring the current legislation into line with the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, as well as modern international standards, emphasizes Piskarev.

Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2021/05/07/v-gosdume-predlozhili-uprosit-poryadok-obrashheniya-v-espch-dlya-zaklyuchennyh/

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