Falling support for CSOs from private donors

CSOs have seen a 53% decrease in financial help from private donors


This study was conducted by the Need Help Foundation and national research from the Higher School of Economics.


29 April 2022


Research by Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Pulse took place from 30 March to 18 April and included the participation of 168 CSOs from 55 regions.


What has changed in the work of CSOs?


There has been a 53% decrease in the volume of donations to CSOs, especially large and middleweight organisations that work almost exclusively with financial support from private donors. Among them, 42% noted a growth in requests from their beneficiaries.


According to 38% of organisations, their situation will worsen in the next six months. While 22% believe their situation will improve, 25% say that it will not change fundamentally.


CSOs that say their situation will improve note that they will be receiving grants imminently. Those who say their situation will worsen refer to the continued decline in private donations and the reduction of business support programmes.


Among those surveyed, 88% of CSOs do not plan to suspend their work, while 81% are cutting employees and 73% are reducing the number of beneficiaries. 37% say that they have started looking for new sources of funding and 34% have revised their work strategies.


What kind of support is needed?


CSOs that took part in the study said that they would like to see several support measures introduced by the state. 65% of organisations want salary subsidies and a tax reduction, 48% want insurance costs reduced, 42% want a simplification of reporting requirements and 24% want cancellation of inspections by regulatory authorities.


Organisations are primarily expecting consulting and educational support on crisis management issues from resource centres and infrastructure CSOs. They are also expecting pro bono volunteering development courses from businesses, especially on IT issues


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2022/04/29/iz-za-sokrashheniya-chastnyh-pozhertvovanij-u-53-nko-umenshilsya-obem-finansirovaniya/


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