Federal grants for socially-oriented NGOs
The ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation (RF) has announced a competition for subsidies from the federal budget for socially oriented NGOs (SONGOs)
The competition is intended for SONGOs that give support services to others of their kind in the areas of information, consultancy, methodology, dissemination of best practice regarding project implementation, and volunteer recruitment, and that have the relevant experience and staff resources. State and municipal organisations are not elligible. Applications may be submitted between 25 April and 26 May.
The rules for provision of subsidies have been prescribed by the federal government’s Support for SONGOs Order No 713 dated 23 August 2011. The procedure governing selection for the competition was confirmed by ministry order no 465 dated 8 September 2011 (see the 17 January 2014 edition). The decision to hold the competition was taken by Order No 216 of the ministry dated 14 April 2014.
The first step in applying is to give notice of intention to participate using the electronic form available on the ministry’s website. The material on the site includes an application form which should be printed off, completed and sent in on paper. A unique participant’s identification number will be assigned at the time of printing the form. Applications should be sent by courier to the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, at 1-3 First Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Moscow, between 09:00 and 18:00 hrs (Monday to Thursday) and between 09:00 hrs and 16:00 hrs on Friday; or by post to the Department of Innovative Development, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 1-3 First Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Moscow A-47, GSP-3, 125993.
The ministry has prepared methodological material for the completion of applications. Advice on issues relating to the drafting of applications may be sought by submitting a question at: http://nko.economy.gov.ru/FAQClient.
The contact email address is: nko2013@economy.gov.ru,
Tel: 00 7 (495) 650-89-12, 694-52-93.
Detailed information about the competition may be found on the ministry’s website at:
Moscow 16 April 2014