Federal grants to four Russian disability organisations

Community disability organisations to receive 1.5 billion roubles in State support




Federal grants for State support to All-Russian disability organisations are to be provided to four bodies in 2018. Maxim Topilin, the Federation’s Minister of Labour and Social Protection, said that the Government had discussed a draft decree for approving the distribution of these funds on 14 December.


142,786,000 roubles have been allocated to the All-Russian Society for the Deaf, 478,016,000 to the All-Russian Society for Disabled People, 715,618,000 to the All-Russian Society for the Blind and 163,405,000 to the All-Russian Organisation for Disabled Afghan War Veterans.


According to Topilin, the recipient organisations were chosen because they are the ones that have been carrying out the most wide-ranging socially useful programmes. For example, the Society for the Blind has set up 156 businesses which employ nearly 9,000 disabled people, with similar programmes being undertaken by the other bodies. These organisations also have outlets in most Russian regions. Grants are also being provided to mitigate the effects of the withdrawal since 2006 of a number of tax incentives.


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2017/12/15/obshhetsvennye-organiatsii-invalidov-poluchat-1-5-mlrd-rublej-gospodderzhki/




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