Flashmob #IDon’tWantToDie – against domestic violence in Russia
Human rights activist and activist Alena Popova launched a #IDon’tWantToDie in support of the law on domestic violence. She noted that this initiative saves lives in more than 146 countries of the world and must be adopted in Russia.
“The hashtag #IDon’tWantToDie. The death did not appear for no reason – it is dedicated simultaneously to women who were killed as a result of domestic violence (they did not want to die), as well as women who are now serving time for killing a partner in self-defence against domestic violence, that is, in the interpretation: “I did not want to die, so I defended myself from the aggressor.” If there was a law, it would protect such women before their partner’s death and would not force them to go to the extreme measure of self-defence,” she explained.
You can take part in a flash mob on any of the social networks; participants are also asked to sign a petition that will help draw attention to the problem of domestic violence and submit a bill to the State Duma already this autumn.
In Russia, 16 million victims of domestic violence (Rosstat). In Russia, the rapist is protected, not the victim. The victim is told: “there will be a corpse, we will arrive, we will describe.” 80% of women accused of murder sit for self-defense in case of domestic violence (media study of the team of Egor Skovoroda (2016-2018) from 2488 cases under article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder”).
The Khachaturian sisters would not exist at all if the state intervened on time and issued a protection order to Khachaturian (prohibition on approach, threats, violence, persecution). There would be no severed hands of Margarita Grachev, the corpse of Alena Verba, the corpses of Oksana Sadykova, Yana Savchuk. There would not be so many deaths if there was a law. ⠀
We are launching a #IDon’tWantToDieflash mob, in support of the law on domestic violence, which saves lives in more than 146 countries around the world. We demand to accept in Russia: ⠀
-all information about the law, the text of the bill, why adopt it, the history of victims of domestic violence, statistics on Russia, a link to the petition – on the website of the law of the law http://domesticviolence.ru
How can you help pass a law: ⠀
– Participate in a flash mob. The law can make it into the State Duma this autumn. Better to say: it must. Every hour in Russia, victims of violence remain without PROTECTION. So that the law is not postponed indefinitely, publicity is very important. ⠀
Therefore, we ask you to help and spread the information, publicly express your demand to adopt the law.
– To participate in the action, you need to take a photo with an inscription on yourself or with a sign with a hashtag #IDon’tWantToDie(you can make up your own, but this is optional) and in the post also indicate the hashtag. We collect all the materials to send to all deputies
-You can sign yourself / yourself and encourage your friends, acquaintances, subscribers to sign a petition demanding to adopt a law – it is on the website http://domesticviolence.ru/. ⠀
Now there are more than 470,000 signatures. Our goal is to collect a million. More than a million is generally super!
Hashtag #IDon’tWantToDieappeared for a reason: it is dedicated simultaneously to women who were killed as a result of domestic violence (they did not want to die), as well as women who are now serving time to kill a partner in self-defence against domestic violence – that is, in the interpretation: “I did not want to die, so I defended from the aggressor. ” If there had been a law, it would have protected such women before his partner’s death and would not force them to go to the extreme measure of self-defence. ⠀
Thanks a lot to all. Together is power! And thank you Sasha Mitroshina. Special thanks: to the photographer and make-up artists (their villages in the insta: @arbatskayalara, @muaschool_ru, @anotherone_makeupartist).
Thanks to everyone who participated. Thanks to all of you, because the law will surely be. We will do everything that he was!
[contains graphic images using make-up