Long-term elderly care system for all Russian regions by end 2023

A long-term care system for the elderly to be introduced in all Russian regions by the end of 2023




This initiative was announced by a Federation Council senator at a round-table event held on 22 June. The programme is now operating in 34 Russian regions.


Elena Bibikova, Deputy Chair of the Federation Council’s Social Policy Committee, has said that a long-term care system for the elderly will be introduced in all Russian regions by the end of the year, according to Parlamentskaya Gazeta.


Thirty-four regions are participating in a pilot project, with 30 being financed through the federal budget and four by regional funding (Moscow, Bashkiria, Kaluga region and Krasnoyarsk district).


“The principal aim of the trial scheme for organising a comprehensive support programme for those who need help due to their age and general state of health is to provide them with a balanced range of social services and medical care in a familiar and comfortable environment, as well as offering support to their families”, said Bibikova.


According to the senator, the main objectives of the project are to ensure cooperation between the social services system and medical organisations, exchanging information about patients and the creation of teams to provide their care.


Five Russian regions (Mari El, Kirov, Novgorod, Ryazan and Tambov) hope to increase the number of people who can receive social services during the year, with the regions having already been allocated federal co-financing for this purpose. The programme managers expect to train 7,700 social workers in these areas, including more than 2,000 family relatives.


The long-term care system project has been running since the summer of 2018 and includes 50 social services. The initiative’s modus operandi has been developed, technologies and procedures are being introduced and specialists trained by the Happiness in Old Age and the Old People charities.


Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2023/06/22/sistemu-dolgovremennogo-uhoda-za-pozhilymi-vvedut-vo-vseh-regionah-rossii-do-koncza-2023-goda/

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