Measures to support Russian CSOs under sanctions

Measures to support CSOs under sanctions


There are 40 support proposals on the list. Measures include the introduction of temporary tax and customs privileges, the provision of subsidies and preferential loans, and measures to support CSO staff.


30 March 2022


Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova is asking nine ministries to consider measures to support CSOs. Those asked to consider measures include the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Justice, together with the Bank of Russia, the Presidential Grants Fund, and the Civic Chamber. The result must be reported to the Government and the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights by 22 April. The letter is at the disposal of the Social Information Agency (ASI).


The head of the Human Rights Council, Valery Fadeev, sent the letter of proposed measures to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova received the letter from the government office.


On 21 March, The GRANI Centre for the Civic Analysis and Independent Research Foundation collected and sent a proposal on the support of CSOs to the government and the Duma. On 25 March, the Committee on Development of Civil Society, Public and Religious Organizations held its first meeting. The next meeting will be held in April.


Svetlana Makovetskaya, Director of The GRANI Centre, explained that the proposed measures would help create conditions for “increasing the social usefulness of CSO activities”, create “additional incentives for non-state actors to support CSOs”, reduce adverse consequences for affected organisations, and link measures to support CSOs with sectoral support for other entities.


For the children of CSO employees, the proposal seeks to give “places in playgroups and nurseries” and “to provide summer activities and healthcare.” An additional measure may also be to simplify CSO employees changing their employment status to self-employed.




Translated by Ysabelle Smith



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