‘Mercy’ opens new centre for poor women in Moscow

Mercy service will open a help centre for low-income women in Moscow
The centre will operate like a shop, but the products will be distributed free of charge.
The 27th project by Mercy, the humanitarian centre for people in need, opened on 6 June. Visitors to the centre — single pregnant women and women with children — can choose women’s and children’s clothes, kits for discharge from hospital, disposable nappies, children’s toiletries, creams, shampoo and toys.
“We want to do everything possible to ensure that, despite financial difficulties, women with or expecting a child feel comfortable coming and choosing items they like, just as in a normal shop, and at the same time can drink tea and relax a little. And children can play in the playground being built close to the centre”, says Maria Studenikina, head of the new humanitarian and crisis centre Home for Mum.
In Moscow there are more than 1000 expectant and young mothers in need of financial assistance. Many women in this kind of situation decide to have an abortion or abandon the child in the hospital. But if at this difficult moment the woman has support, specialists believe tragedy can be avoided.
Each month in Moscow about 150 low-income women have been receiving free items at the Home for Mum.
The Mercy centre is located within the charity department of the Russian Orthodox Church (Nikoloyamskaya St. 57).

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