ROSSTAT on socially-oriented NGOs
ROSSTAT (the Federal State Statistics Service) to calculate number of
socially oriented NGOs
socially oriented NGOs
response to the Russian Government Resolution on 25th July 2012 ‘N633: On the
organisation of official statistical accounting of socially-oriented non-profit
organisations,’ ROSSTAT has issued orders N381 and N382.
response to the Russian Government Resolution on 25th July 2012 ‘N633: On the
organisation of official statistical accounting of socially-oriented non-profit
organisations,’ ROSSTAT has issued orders N381 and N382.
ROSSTAT has approved the form N 1-ANO (Autonomous non-profit
organization) ‘Basic information about the activities of non-profit
organisations’ for federal statistical observation. NGOs must hand over the
completed form to ROSSTAT by the 3rd September 2012.
organization) ‘Basic information about the activities of non-profit
organisations’ for federal statistical observation. NGOs must hand over the
completed form to ROSSTAT by the 3rd September 2012.
are six questions in total that must be answered: whether the NGO considers
itself socially oriented (if not, then do not have to fill out a form); what
kinds of activities they engage in; what the average number of employees is and
amount of money and property received during the recorded period; whether the
organisation is a recipient of funds or property from federal, regional or
municipal authorities, including whether they are listed in the register of
Socially Oriented NGOs and if they are the recipients of any support from
federal ministries.
are six questions in total that must be answered: whether the NGO considers
itself socially oriented (if not, then do not have to fill out a form); what
kinds of activities they engage in; what the average number of employees is and
amount of money and property received during the recorded period; whether the
organisation is a recipient of funds or property from federal, regional or
municipal authorities, including whether they are listed in the register of
Socially Oriented NGOs and if they are the recipients of any support from
federal ministries.
Russian Federation’s Code for Administrative Offences and the Federal
Law ‘N2761-1: On the liability for violation of the order of providing the
state with statistical information’ outlines liability/responsibility for
failing to provide information or providing false information.
Russian Federation’s Code for Administrative Offences and the Federal
Law ‘N2761-1: On the liability for violation of the order of providing the
state with statistical information’ outlines liability/responsibility for
failing to provide information or providing false information.