Russia: ASI organising internships for regional CSOs

The Agency for Social Information is inviting regional CSOs to take part in internships




CSO employees responsible for external communications are being invited to take part in internships.


Internships at the Agency for Social Information (ASI) will be organised in two stages, with the first, an online marathon, taking place from 17 March to 24 April. Its theme will be external communications as a vital and integral part of the CSO sector.


Participants will learn the basics of branding, review their own media resources and platforms, as well as developing content for websites, social networks and annual reports.


Meetings will be held each week with experts who will share their knowledge and provide feedback on the results of assigned work tasks completed by participants in their own time. During the initial stage, CSOs will take part in teams to enhance the effectiveness of the training, with successfully completed work assignments securing entry to the internship’s second phase.


The second stage will be held face-to-face in Moscow this summer and attended by ten people  selected on the basis of the results of the first phase. It will consist of meetings with ASI partners, workshops and discussions on positive work experiences and those that didn’t go quite so well. The programme content will be put together based on the results of the first stage of the internship. Only officially employed staff from registered regional Federation CSOs, apart from those in Moscow and the Moscow Region, are eligible to apply.


Selection for the internship will be on a competitive basis using the criteria that the ASI has adopted since 2018 which include an assessment of an organisation’s professional development and information transparency, the applicant’s motivation, the existence of plans to improve communications and the commitment to implement these plans. Previous involvement with the ASI, including participation in webinars with ASI’s editor, will be taken into account. The next webinar with the Chief Editor will be held on 5 March.


A minimum of 30 people will take part in the first stage and ten in the second. The deadline for online applications is 10 March, with results of the selection process to be announced no later than 18 March.


The ASI has been organising communications internships since 2018. More than 100 CSO staff have been through this experience, which has greatly benefitted both themselves and their organisations. Many of them have formed networks of ASI internship graduates.


The internship is part of a CSO Expression, Information, Values and Community project, which the ASI is organising with support from the Presidential Grants Fund.

Further information can be obtained by e-mail from Olga Drozdova, Head of ASI’s Social Projects and Programmes, on:



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