Russia: Chamber of Commerce welcomes new council for volunteering and CSR

Chamber of Commerce will welcome a new council for the development of volunteering and corporate social responsibility


The council will be created with the support of the Association of Volunteer Centres, as well as state corporation Rosatom.

At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of the Russian Federations, held on October 22, it was decided to establish a CCI Council for Sustainable Business Development, Corporate Social Responsibility and Volunteering. Dobro Zhurnal reports.

It is expected the council will increase the opportunities for Russian businesses to participate in social projects and help to replicate the most successful corporate volunteering practices amongst companies.

“Our goal is to create favourable conditions in Russia for social investment. The council will work to improve legislation, develop educational programmes and methods, replicate the most successful practices in the field of social investments and create an effective dialogue and partnership between businesses, government authorities and CSOs,” explains Artem Metelev, Chairman of the Board for the Association of Volunteer Centres and co-organizer of the #WeAreTogether campaign.  

One of the tasks of the council will be to promote corporate social responsibility, the principles of sustainable development and volunteering. The council will be led by Tatiana Terentyeva, Deputy Geeral Director of the State Atomic Enegry Corporaion, Rosatom. Artem Metelev and Anna Zhigulskaya (head of project office for internal communications and corporate social responsibility at Rosatom) will be appointed first deputy chairmen of the council.

The first online meeting of the council will take place December 1-2, on the international platform Global Impact Forum.


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