Russia: deadline for submission of NGO reports put back
Ministry of Justice puts back the deadline for the submission of reports
Reports will now have to be submitted by 1 July 2020.
The deadline for submission of NGO reports is being extended under an Order issued by the Ministry of Justice (26.05.2020, No. 122). NGOs including public associations, religious organisations and structural sub-divisions of foreign NGOs are now required to submit their reports for 2019 by 1 July.
In another Order (26.05.2020, No. 123), the Ministry confirms that the deadline for submission of reports and annual audits of NGO financial accounts will be put back to 1 July.
Reports on NGO activities for 2019 and beyond should be posted on the information resource section of the Ministry of Justice website by 1 July.
According to the Ministry, all this has been done for the sake of “ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological wellbeing of Russian citizens in relation to the spread of COVID-19 infections”.