Russia: initiative on jailed victims of domestic violence
Launch of an initiative on women who saved their own lives but ended up in prison
Women who have served time in prison talk about conditions in female jails and on rehabilitation after their release.
A team of master’s students from the Higher School of Economics and the Penal Reform Centre Prison and Justice have been involved in a project that focuses on women who have been imprisoned for defending themselves against domestic violence which includes personal stories, a podcast and a video.
The initiative is supported by Prison and Justice from whom you can buy themed posters. The authors of the project point out that Russia has been struggling to pass legislation on domestic abuse for 27 years, consideration of which has been held up at a preliminary reading in the State Duma. Laws against domestic violence are on the statute books in 75.9% of countries worldwide.
Women generally defend themselves with whatever they can lay their hands on, with 93% of convictions involving the use of a kitchen knife. 83% of women have protected themselves against their husbands or co-inhabitants.