Russia: new platform for people recovering from Covid-19

New online platform to help people recovering from Covid-19 created in Russia




Doctors and rehab specialists led by Denis Protsenko, head physician at Kommunarka hospital, have developed a comprehensive online course of treatment for those who have contracted Covid-19 and other severe viral infections.


Users will be able to devise their own individual recovery programme on the Poslevypiski.rf platform. The website brings together expertise from a wide range of specialists: pulmonologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, sleep experts, rehab therapists, neuropsychologists, nutritionists and aromatherapists.


In order to receive a personal referral, individuals will need to complete a questionnaire. The system will then generate a modular video course of treatment based on a person’s particular symptoms.


As well as video treatment courses, the website and app Poslevypiski.rf  have a wealth of useful material, including a knowledge library with a “smart” search facility, answers to frequently asked questions, workshops and reminders about basic self-diagnostic checks.


The app can be downloaded onto devices via Google Play and Rustore. Latest news, interesting information about the initiative and personal stories from some of those affected by Covid-19 from all over Russia are posted on the website and mentioned on the VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Zen platforms.




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