Russia: proposed ban on adoptions by citizens of some foreign countries
Russia wants to ban the adoption of Russian children by citizens of a foreign country
At the start of the year, the Federation’s Children’s Ombudsman reported that the number of adoptions of Russian children by foreigners had fallen significantly.
A Bill to give effect to this proposal has been drafted by State Duma deputies, together with Vasily Piskarev, Chair of the State Duma’s Security and Anti-Corruption Committee. It would also ban adoption by parents in whose country it is possible to change gender, both through medical intervention and by issuing the relevant documentation.
According to Piskarev, such a ban is justified, stating that “it will ensure that an adopted child does not subsequently end up in a same-sex family if one of the parents changes gender”.
In March this year, the State Duma Committee on Family Affairs supported a Bill to ban the adoption and fostering of Russian orphans by citizens of countries recognised as being hostile to Russia. The Bill states that if a State “stops committing unfriendly acts against Russia”, the ban can be lifted without having to amend the Federation’s Family Code. There are currently 49 countries on the *list of hostile States.