Strategy for the development of volunteering in Russia up to 2030

The Dobro.Konferentsiia conference draws up a strategy for the development of volunteering in Russia up to 2030

The conference also sees agreements signed on establishing regional centres for social development.


The Dobro.Konferentsiia 2022 conference finished in Kazan on 17 September. It was attended by 500 representatives of CSOs, businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and other organisations involved in civil initiatives from across 82 regions.

The conference attendees drew up a strategy for developing volunteering for the next 7 years.  The aim of the strategy is to involve 60 percent of the population in volunteering and train one million people as volunteering leaders.  The strategy envisages:

  • The creation of a Federal Social Volunteer Code by 2030;
  • The strengthening of co-operation between volunteering and business;
  • The creation of a positive image of a volunteer in the public’s mind. This is to be done by involving as many people as possible in voluntary work in a variety of sectors.

Twelve organisations used the conference to sign licensing agreements for the opening of Dobro.Tsentry, which will be centres for social development in the Russian regions.  They are to be opened in the regions of Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk, Vologda, Tula Volgograd, Ryazan, Tyumen, Tambov, Smolensk, Krasnodar, Tatarstan and Bashkiria.

The organisers of Dobro.Konferentsiia are the Association of Volunteer Centres, the Federal Agency for Youth Issues (Rosmolodezh), the Ministry for Science and Higher Education, and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.




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