Undocumented migrants to be deported from Russia
Migrants not working in accordance with permits to be deported from Russia
The proposal forms part of draft legislation prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on behalf of the government.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (Mintrud) is proposing the introduction of new conditions for the organisational recruitment of migrant workers, reports Izvestiia.
According to the proposal, migrant workers who enter Russia via organisational recruitment – i.e. upon the invitation of a particular firm – but who subsequently refuse the role in favour of alternative employment will be required to leave the country within fifteen days.
The draft legislation was prepared following a government strategy meeting and aims to consolidate organisational recruitment mechanisms as a matter of priority, Mintrud informed Izvestiia.
“The draft legislation stipulates the creation of a special document confirming the right of a foreign citizen to temporary employment in Russia. In practice, this means that as part of organisational recruitment, a migrant worker will work for a specific employer in accordance with their permit. In addition, the company that is employing the foreign specialist will make advance payments on their behalf,” Mintrud’s press department explained to Izvestiia.
The Ministry also reiterated that the new rules apply to all migrant workers, regardless of whether they come from countries that do not require a visa in order to enter Russia.
Yaroslav Nilov, chairman of the State Duma Committee for Labour and Social Policy, noted that Russia currently operates a ‘patent system’ for migrants, whereby migrants are permitted to enter the country without a visa and find work. Many foreign labourers, however, are working without a patent (a form of work permit).
“Mintrud’s proposal is certainly a step in the right direction,” Nilov added. “Government migration policy needs comprehensive development with an emphasis on the principle of ‘labour migration upon request’. This principle should apply to all foreigners who come to work in Russia, whether with or without a visa.”