Uralsib funds for children’s charity Victoria

In 2013 Uralsib bank remitted around 48 million roubles to children’s charity Victoria


Uralsib and the charity have reported on their joint project – Decent Homes for Children.

By 1 January 2014, the bank had also issued 156,600 bank cards and opened over 25,100 dedicated accounts. From the start of the project in 2009, over 220,000 of the bank’s clients have participated with over 98 million roubles being paid to the charity.

The project is live in all the regions where the bank has a presence. It has helped all those using its services, whether accounts or cards, to participate in charitable giving. The bank gives the project 0.5% of the sums deposited annually and 0.5% of each purchase using its credit cards, from its own resources. In 2013 a sum in the order of 38.4 million roubles was spent by the charity on building a children’s village called ‘Victoria’ in Armavir, Krasnodar offering family style accommodation for parentless children. The charity plans  to spend 9.6 million roubles remitted by the bank on building social housing for former residents of children’s institutions. The village is being erected on a 3.15 hectare site.where it will consist of 13 residential cottages in each of which six to eight children will live with their foster parents and also a  community centre with a sport and play area. This innovative way of bringing children up provides an alternative to children’s institutions, allows them to live in a caring, loving atmosphere and offers a safe environment that instils the degree of confidence in the future which only parents can provide.

A working group, which includes representatives from the local administrations in Armavir and Krasnodar, has now been set up for the purpose of selecting foster parents from their areas for the village. The selection procedure has been determined as well as the documentation and the guidelines for prospective participants in the project. Meetings have been arranged at which foster families from Krasnodar might receive information. The first stage of briefing for the specialist psychologists who will be conducting the selection process has taken place.

During 2013 the foundations for all the homes were laid and work on building the brick walls of ten of them, including the electric wiring and the connections to the external power supply, is proceeding. A transformer substation has been built, as have the internal water and the electricity supply networks, and the sewerage  system. Web cameras have been installed so that progress with the building works can be viewed online. The plan is for the village to be completed this autumn.

‘Victoria has begun its work by giving material help to children’s homes and towards socialising their residents. It is very important and necessary to do so. But it is far more important to avoid children ending up in an institution. It is easier to prevent an illness than to heal it. That is why in recent years we have been formulating programmes and methods for keeping children in their family of origin and for training foster parents’, said the chair of Victoria’s management board, Tatiana Letunova. The chair of Uralsib’s board, Ilkka Salonen, said that the work with Victoria which marks its tenth anniversary this year, has enabled his bank’s clients to participate in a charitable project whose  principles were targeted activity and transparency. ‘We especially appreciate the help given by our clients  by way of undertaking significant charitable projects relating to the development of family style provision and support for foster families’, he said.

This year, beside the joint project for individuals, the bank extended its co-working with Victoria by making a deposit account called Philanthrop available for companies so that corporate clients could take part in the charitable project whilst maintaining a high yield. It is envisaged that part of the interest will be remitted to Victoria and that resources will be also be made available to help finance the construction of the village.


Yulia Vyatkina.


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