What’s in store at this year’s Community Forum?

What’s in store at this November’s Community Forum?


The Agency for Social Information (ASI) presents an overview of the final Community Forum for Active Citizens in 2020.

The Forum for Active Citizens, Community, will take place on November 2-3, 2020. For the first time it will be held via an online platform.

Over the course of two days, Community will host sessions centred on a number of thematic threads. The first day will open with a meeting dedicated to the fulfilment of the President’s instructions and specifications regarding community support. This will include specifications relating to family support.

This will be followed by ‘The New Normal’, a discussion of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social sphere. The programme includes discussions on the measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, social entrepreneurs and CSOs (NGOs), a discussion of the nationwide campaign for mutual aid #WeAreTogether and an open mic with the campaign volunteers.

This session will also discuss the rating of various regions of Russia, according to the development of their non-profit sectors. This report has been prepared by a commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, on the development of the non-profit sector and the support available for socially orientated CSOs.

“Each region will be able to see how it fares in a number of different areas: how many socially orientated CSOs operate within the region, whether these organisations are active and stable, how much funding is available from donations and grants, how the organisations’ work is reflected in the media,” explains Elena Topoleva, chairman for the Public Chamber Commission and Director of the Agency for Social Information.

Moreover, the forum will host an awards ceremony. This will include the nationwide competition for the best practices in the socio-humanitarian sphere ‘Creating the Future’ and the award ceremony for the contest ‘My Project for my Country’. During this time, the competitors’ projects will be shown using the PechaKucha format (very short presentations – ASI’s note).

In addition, Community will host several more discussions, based on the following themes: Young Professionals, The Year of Remembrance and Glory, and Demography.

Community has been held annually since 2015 by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. It is an open working platform for civil activists, representatives of CSOs and citizens who refuse to remain indifferent to important social work. The goal of the forum is to identify the most successful regional and federal examples of civic engagement, to unite like-minded people and to encourage the development of a more civil society in all regions.

Source: https://www.asi.org.ru/news/2020/10/26/chto-budet-na-noyabrskom-forume-soobshhestvo/

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