Past Newsletters

Until January 2020, The BEARR Trust published a bi-annual paper newsletter, containing SGS project reports, BEARR news and several relevant articles of interest, written by experts in the fields of health, welfare and strengthening civil society, in relation to Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). We will now continue to share news through our website and through an e-mail newsletter sent every two months, which you can subscribe to through our homepage.

See below for PDFs of our paper newsletter, published from 2003 until 2019.

Former BBC correspondent Bridget Kendall speaking at the BEARR annual lecture 6h June 2019 at the EBRD

73 – September 2019

  • SGS 2019: Outcome
  • Combatting Human Trafficking in Transnistria
  • Moldova Conference: Migration and Social Change in Eastern Europe
  • Annual Lecture 2019: Russia and the ‘No Rules’ World of President Putin
  • SGS 2018: Project Reports

72 – January 2019

  • SGS 2019: Call for Bids
  • Down Syndrome in Tajikistan and Britain: A Personal Experience
  • Annual Conference 2018: Disability and Inclusion in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  • Annual Lecture 2018: Putin’s Russia and the Ghosts of the Past
  • SGS 2017-18: Project Reports

71 – September 2018

  • AIDS Amsterdam 2018: an Eastern European and Central Asian perspective
  • Towards a barrier-free and inclusive society in Uzbekistan
  • Country Profile: Uzbekistan
  • NGO Profile: R.O.O.F. St Petersburg
  • SGS 2017: Project Reports
  • SGS 2018: Outcome

70 – January 2018

  • How HIV became a Catastrophe in Russia and Ukraine
  • Annual Conference 2017: HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – bucking the trend?
  • Youth and Social Exclusion in Russia’s Villages and Small Towns
  • SGS 2017: Project Reports
  • Country Profile: Turkmenistan
  • SGS 2018: Call for Bids

69 – September 2017

  • Understanding the demographics of death: Russia’s middle-aged men
  • Annual Lecture 2017: Russia – The Power of a Narrative
  • SGS 2017: Outcome
  • SGS: Project Reports

68 – January 2017

  • SGS 2017: Call for Bids
  • 25th Anniversary Conference: The Development of Health and Welfare NGOs in the BEARR Region
  • Enhancing cystic fibrosis healthcare in Russia and beyond
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder: the case of Georgia
  • SGS: Project Reports
  • Country Profile: Kyrgyzstan

67 – September 2016

  • SGS 2016: Outcome
  • The BEARR Trust: The First 25 Years
  • BEARR – its Birth and Infancy
  • 25th Anniversary Lecture: 25 Years on: the Rule of Law in Russia and the Republics
  • Lviv Conference: Helping IDPs in Ukraine
  • SGS: Project Reports
  • Book Review: Gangs of Russia – from the streets to the corridors of power
  • Book Review: Russia and Development: Capitalism, Civil Society and the State
  • Country Profile: Russia in 2016

66 – January 2016

  • SGS 2016: Call for Bids
  • Annual Conference 2015: Support for vulnerable groups: institutions and alternatives
  • Facing the future in the factory town: what price welfare in Russia’s single-industry cities?
  • SGS: Project Reports

65 – September 2015

  • SGS 2015: Outcomes
  • Looking after children without parental care in Ukraine
  • Annual Lecture 2015: The State of the Russian Economy
  • The State of Civil Society in Ukraine
  • All the World’s a Stage: Participatory Theatre in Russia
  • SGS: Project Reports
  • Country Profile: Armenia
  • Book Review: Human Rights in Russia

64 – January 2015

  • SGS 2015: Call for Bids
  • Annual Conference 2014: Stormy Outlook? Challenges facing health and welfare NGOs and their international links
  • Reflections on the position of NGOs in Russia
  • Two updates on the position of NGOs in Ukraine
  • SGS: Project Reports
  • Country Profile: Kazakhstan

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