Ukraine Appeal Update 25 May

It has now been twelve weeks since we launched our Emergency Appeal. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, BEARR has sent more than £170,000 to over thirty local CSOs providing urgent humanitarian aid in Ukraine and Moldova. We have been stunned by your support of our campaign, and our partners on the ground continue to share their gratitude in their reports.
Alongside donations to our CAF Donate site, we are delighted to announce that we we have now raised over £280,000, including a grant received from a private foundation. Another donor has committed to a three-year grant, with the foresight that our partners currently providing short-term aid will be in need of funds for the long-term restructuring of civil society, too. Meanwhile, a sale of rare and unusual plants organised by the Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland took place last weekend, with all proceeds from the day to be donated to our campaign. The event was supported by a group of garden societies and nurseries, and the Ukrainian Ambassador even made an appearance! We expect the money raised by the plant sale to significantly boost the funds to our appeal.
We are incredibly grateful to all our supporters and extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have spent a huge amount of time and effort organising fundraisers on BEARR’s behalf. Other recent events include a local talent show held by a Sunday School in Oxford. Every penny donated is being sent to grassroots organisations, who continue to work tirelessly as they enter their fourth month of war.

A selection of the rare plants on sale last weekend to raise money for BEARR’s appeal.
We are now seeing two recurring themes in our partners’ reports. The first is the growing need to provide trauma support and therapy for both beneficiaries and volunteers, and the other is the lack of funding for hard-to-reach groups.
After an attack on their city last week, one of BEARR’s partners brought in a psychologist to support the team of volunteers distributing food and care packages around the region. In their most recent report, they told us:
“The situation has become more tense. There is very little fuel at petrol stations and money is needed so that we can make purchases of food. Despite all these events, and thanks to your help and support, we continue our work. Elderly women came to our Humanitarian Help Centre for food packages and medicines, and we continue to make targeted deliveries to single mothers with children. The work of the psychologist brought a very good result and everyone is in a fighting mood. We are ready to work!”

Isolated and vulnerable elderly women have been particularly neglected by sources of official funding. One of our partners recently visited a number of nearby villages to assess the most vital needs.
“During the assessment of the de-occupied villages in the region, we met with local women and representatives of the territorial administrations. We found that elderly single women are in a critical state: they receive small pensions and cannot purchase bread, food, water or hygiene necessities, because the shops in the communities do not work. The social services do not reach these locations and the humanitarian aid and volunteers focus mostly on families with children. The elderly womens’ needs are not covered, they rely on their own supplies from the previous year, if they were not stolen during the occupation period in February – April 2022. From time to time neighbours bring them bread.”

BEARR’s partner in Moldova recently took a group of refugees on a trip to Old Orhei. With the summer fast approaching, they have a number of excursions planned, so that families can be better acquainted with the country that has now become their home.
BEARR has also been working closely with HealthProm, who have put us in touch with their partners in Ukraine supporting adults and children with disabilities. While others have been able to flee, many of these families have been left without provisions. They tell us that the state system of support is not sufficient. One pack of nappies is equivalent to 1/10th of the social benefit, and people are unable to purchase what they need.
Funds from our appeal are being sent to these grassroots CSOs, who remain committed to providing vital care for those without access to international aid or official channels of support.
We kindly ask that you please share our campaign where you can. Our partners’ determination to support vulnerable people in need is untiring, and we will continue to support them in all their vital work.
With warm wishes,
The BEARR Trust
Emergency Ukraine Appeal
Please donate here:
Every penny you donate will be passed on as quickly as possible.
BEARR is paying for any administrative costs and money transfer fees itself.
Please contact with any questions.