The BEARR Trust Annual Conference 2024

The BEARR Trust Annual Conference took place on Friday 29 November 2024. The theme this year was:
“Civil society innovation in health and social welfare at times of crisis in the BEARR Trust region”.
The Annual Conference focused on the strategies which local organisations have developed to meet the challenges they face and how they view their future.
Read the report of the Annual Conference here. The recording of the event can be found on our Youtube channel here.
About the conference
The Annual Conference took place on Friday, 29 November 2024, from 10:00 to 13:30 (London time). It was a hybrid event with participants joining online via Zoom or in person at Voluntary Action Islington.
Our speakers represented civil society organisations from countries throughout the area in which BEARR works, most of which have received grants from The BEARR Trust.
They took part in three moderated panel discussions. Simultaneous interpretation into English, Ukrainian, and Russian was provided for all online participants.
All proceeds will support the work of The BEARR Trust.
Conference programme
10:00 Panel 1: Innovation in working with people facing vulnerability and marginalisation
- Gulrukhsor Abdullaeva, Executive Director, Gulrukhsor, Khujand, Tajikistan
- Armen Alaverdyan, Executive Director, Unison, Yerevan, Armenia
- Ivan Vostroknutov, Head, Kharkiv City Boxing Club, Kharkiv, Ukraine
11:20 Panel 2: Innovative strategies to maximise civil society impact
- Daria Rybalchenko, Chairman of the Board, National Network of Local Philanthropy Development, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Iryna Los, Head of Department, Open Doors, Nikopol, Ukraine
- Meerim Osmonalieva, Country Director, Oasis, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
12:30 Plenary session: Ways forward
Speakers and participants will discuss how civil society organisations in the region can make further progress.