Other publications & reports

BEARR reports from the conference ‘The Hidden Wounds of War’ held in Kaunas, Lithuania on 21-23 May, 2024 and organised by by the Head of the Sakharov Centre in Kaunas (and BEARR patron) Professor Robert van Voren. For the short briefing click here.

Georgia’s new law on “transparency of foreign influence” and its incompatibility with international human rights standards: an article by Mariam Uberi about this controversy, published on 22 May 2024 by the Foreign Policy Centre.

Book by Anna Shevchenko “Around the War in Twenty Stories – Ukrainian Tales of Hope, Humanity and Humour” tells personal and true stories of ordinary Ukrainians who stayed, fled or relocated inside their own country when Russia’s violent attack struck in the early morning of 24 February 2022. Read the book review by BEARR Trustee Janet Gunn here. April 2024

BEARR Special Adviser Armorer Wason reports from the King’s College London event “Rethinking resilience: men and conflict trauma in Ukraine” Moderated by Lt Gen Dr Martin Bricknell. April 2024

Daryl-Ann Hardman reports on the remarkable story of the Belarusian Children’s Hospice (BCH) and her involvement in its development as Chairman of the Friends of the BCH. March 2024

Importance of community-based and peer-led mental health support in conflict and post-conflict countries: a briefing by Dr Reima Ana Maglajlic of the University of Sussex on lessons for Ukraine from experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina, following her presentation at The BEARR Trust conference in November 2023. For the briefing click here. March 2024

The Armenian Church in London has been supporting voluntary work by the Church in Armenia to provide financial and emotional help to people displaced from the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, which the Armenians call Artsakh. The Church kindly provided a video informing about their activities. February 2024

The Halo Trust, a charity founded in 1988 and registered in the UK and USA has been demining in conflict and post-conflict zones all over the world. It has kindly provided an article about its work in Ukraine for the BEARR Trust. August 2023

A Baku-based think tank, the Center for Economic and Social Development has published recommendations on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-Soviet space. August 2023

A research paper by John Lough, “Ukraine’s system of crony capitalism – the challenge of dismantling ‘systema’” published by Chatham House on 1 July 2021, has a chapter on corruption in the healthcare sector. July 2021

BEARR trustee and associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Southampton, Dr Charlie Walker writes about young care leavers in Russia. June 2021

Professor Christopher J Gerry, director of Russian and East European Studies, University of Oxford, on Putin’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia. April 2021

Article by Daryl-Ann Hardman, a founding BEARR trustee and Chairwoman of Friends of the Belarusian Children’s Hospice (UK), on training of medics in palliative care for children in Belarus, which continues despite the pandemic. April 2021

Review by BEARR’s Chairman, Nicola Ramsden, of Dr Harald Lipman’s Memories of Moscow: Memoirs of a Medical Diplomat”. February 2021

Major report published in 2020 on the state of civil society in Russia from the Institute of Modern Russia: “RUSSIA UNDER PUTIN: 20 YEARS OF BATTLING OVER CIVIL SOCIETY” – read it here.

Report by Maryna Parfenchuk, Joint MA in European and Global Affairs, on Statelessness in Ukraine. September 2020

Judith Pallot, PI “Gulagechoes”on Lessons of the Recent Past: From Tuberculosis to COVID-19 in Russia’s Prisons. October 2020

Advice from Age International on helping elderly people in the COVID-19 crisis. March 2020

Report by Robert Wragg for Ipsos MORI on OSCE Research on Violence Against Women and Girls in Ukraine and Moldova. April 2020

Charlie Walker, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Southampton, on Masculinity and Gender-Based Violence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Engaging Men in the Gender Equality Agenda. January 2020




Covid-19 | New Scientist


A report by Nathan Dampier, BEARR Trust volunteer

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