BEARR Trust Annual Conference 2019: Violence against Women and Girls in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Report and presentations The conference on 15 November brought together over 60 representatives of civil society, academia, international organisations, lawyers, consultants and students from Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Uzbekistan and the UK. Nicola Ramsden, Chairman of The BEARR Trust, opened the conference by saying that gender-based violence (GBV) is not only an issue of …

London Conference 2019 – speaker biographies

We look forward to welcoming this excellent group of speakers to our 2019 Annual Conference: Jessica Gavron is a UK barrister and Legal Director of the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre. She has extensive experience of litigating human rights abuses before the European Court of Human Rights, CEDAW and the UN Human Rights Committee against …

London Conference 2019 – programme

We are excited to present the final programme for our 2019 Annual Conference: Location: CAN Borough, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR (near Borough and London Bridge stations) 9.00    Registration and coffee 9.30    Welcome and Introduction – Nicola Ramsden, Chairman of The BEARR Trust 9.45    Domestic violence, coercion and exploitation of women and girls …

Announcing the BEARR Trust Annual Conference for 2019

We are excited to announce that our 2019 Annual Conference on the theme of Violence and Coercion against Women and Girls in Eastern Europe and Central Asia will be held on Friday 15 November at CAN- MEZZ, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR. With speakers from Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the UK, we will …

BEARR/ULIM April 2019 Conference in Chisinau – report

The Conference “Migration and Social Changes in Eastern Europe” took place on 11-12 April 2019 at the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) on the basis of a partnership between The BEARR Trust and ULIM. The conference involved about 100 participants, including 33 speakers and moderators. Participants came from Moldova (69) and from the UK, …

BEARR Trust/ULIM Moldova Conference on Migration

Our International conference on Migration and Social Change in Eastern Europe, in Chisinau on 11-12 April 2019 at the Free International University of Moldova BEARR’s annual conference in London attracts speakers and participants from across the region, including from Moldova. In addition, we have a new strategy of holding occasional conferences in other countries of …